The Barely Tale
Jason Edwards

Once a very long time ago there was a. And it had great big. All over its. It was covered with little and a variety of and when it was it would. Every morning it took out its and put it on the and when the appeared over the it knew it was for.

One day everything seemed normal. The day was and the sky looked and all over the the went about their usual. But then suddenly, out of the there came a great. The was shaken to its, and started to. Then the stopped. It thought, I wonder what. Then it decided, foolishly, to.

Taking its and its and its great long it set out for, where the came from. Everywhere where about it, and the became knowing that it was the only to go find. Soon it was outside, and all of its faded away.

Cautiously, it from to. It looked all around. Gingerly, it the air. There, from, came the faint of. With just a suggestion of. The became even more. Its only a it thought to itself. Why was everyone so? It into the, hoping to catch before it was.

It as fast it could, and without warning, hitting its on a. Ow, that really! it said to itself. Then the went and the to see a! The, but then it was.

Oh my, was that a? it said out loud. No one at the will me! It jumped up and ran back to the. Hey! Everyone! I saw a! A crowd quickly.

Really? Where? What did it? What did it? Did it? Did it really?

The. If you want, I can where it. Everyone quickly. The out of the and toward where the had. But soon they got.

This. this isn't the same where I, said the.

I don't we're in, said someone from the.

Yeah, I usually right here by a, but it's not here now! another said.

Then everything went black.