Jason Edwards

They had a class together. The teacher said, ".also, there's Principals , a book by Jameson Winthrop." David noticed she was the only one who was taking notes.

Later. He was headed to the library to get Winthrop's book. On the sidewalk he heard her footsteps.

She drew abreast of him. His eyes were straight ahead. He could smell soap and shampoo. She walked more quickly, got ahead of him.

David smiled, then frowned and walked more quickly. He ran lightly past her up the library steps. Near the top, she passed him.

David got past her at the front door, grabbed a computer, found Winthrop's call number. David knew exactly where QR-5302 was.

She was dashing up the stairs. By the fourth floor he was right behind her. He began to sprint.

He dashed around the corner, passed her, smelled her soap and shampoo. He ignored the bookshelf snagging his sleeve, ran down the aisle. He heard her sweater sleeve catch and rip.

He sprinted, somehow read the call letters. He could see the QRs, knew exactly were Winthrop's book was, saw it.

She leapt on him, knocking him down. He rolled over, he tried to hold her, she reached for the book, he grabbed her arm, she tried to push off of him, he reached up. he grabbed the book.

They both collapsed, breathing hard. Hip to hip, he opened the book, browsed through it as he caught his breath, replaced the book, got up and left.