- - -
Jason Edwards

Would you do ---?


Would you do ---? Would you do her?


You know! ---. The one with the big ---.

Oh. ---.

Yeah. Would you do her?


What? You know, ---! She's got the gigantic ---. Humongous!

Nah, I'm not into ---.

But hers.! I mean. Enormous!


C'mon, man! We're talking galactic.

No, I'm more into ---, or ---.

No you're not.

I am.

--- didn't have huge ---.

Oh yes she did, my friend.

No way.

Yes way. ---'s ---. Dynamic.

No. Don't get me wrong, man, I wasn't ---. I just know what I see. And ---'s ---? No sireee. Sorry, buddy, but you were disillusioned.

Listen. I know. Maybe you were looking, but I was ---. And I know.


Listen. One time we were at her place, right? A little ---, a little ---, some ---. Right? So then we went over to the ---, and I started to ---.

No! You ---!

Yes! And she's all like, "---! --- --- ---!"

I'll bet.

And so I start to, you know ---.


Lay off! Anyway, I'm ---, okay, and next thing I know. ---!


Yeah, all the way to the floor.

Oh god, I wish I could have been there.

If you were, I would have kicked your ---.

Okay, so okay, maybe you're right. ---'s --- on a scale of one to ten?

Richter scale?



Oh my god. I couldn't handle that.

Yes you could.

So you wouldn't do ---.


Well, I wouldn't do ---.

And she wouldn't do you, either.

Who says?

Yeah right! You'd probably ---, and then ---, and she'd be all "---!"

--- you, man.

Tell me I'm lying. She's not like that.

I'm not like that either. I'm ---.

What about ---?

What about her?

You told me you used to --- her in every --- and --- this side of ---.

That was her idea, man, not me.

Yeah, right. I bet. Who's idea was it to ---?

I told you that?

No, I heard it from ---.

That ---!

And what about the time you --- went --- and your --- ---.

That is a lie. --- just tells people that because she wouldn't --- so I dumped her.

See what I mean? --- probably wouldn't --- you the first time you asked, anyway.

Well, good. I only do --- that decide to --- me on their own.


Hey, at least I don't ---.

Hey, you learn how to ---, and maybe they'll ---.

No thanks, man, it ain't worth it.


So you wouldn't do ---.

I said, no.

What if she her --- weren't so big.


But she's got nice ---, and ---. You said you liked ---.

I know, but her --- is too ---, she's --- in the ---, and whenever she ---, I bet her --- ---, and I do not need that in my life right now.

But this is just hypothetical. I mean, just once.

Just once?

Yeah. A bunch of people are at a ---, --- with loud music or whatever, there's --- and ---, one thing leads to another. would you?

I don't know. I'd have to be pretty ---.

But you'd --- anybody if you were --- enough.

No I wouldn't. I wouldn't do --- for all the --- in the world.

Nobody would. You know what I meant.

Well, what about ---? She's gets plenty of ---, 3 or 4 every ---, and I wouldn't even --- her with your ---.

Why not? She's got your --- and ---.

She's also got ---.

No ---! Really? Since when?

Since she and --- were --- with --- that time in ---.

Him too? He's got ---?

That's what they say.

Oh, man. He did ---!


Yeah? Aw, man, all that huge --- gone to waste!

Use ---.

I'd rather --- a ---. ---. Well, I can still ---.

Twice a day, three times on Saturdays.

--- you.

Tell me I'm lying.



So, what about ---? Would you do her?

---? With the --- ---?

