Trying to Play Games

Posted over at Bukkhead’s Boring Gaming Blog on Anook

Yesterday was the last day to get F1 for the Xbox 360 for free using Games with Gold, so I did, and I played it. More or less through the tutorial, which earned me two achievements: Going for Gold and Training Day. I didn’t finish the tutorial completely, however, as I was not able to finish one of the races fast enough. F1 is too technical for me, too real-life. I appreciate that driving formula one cars is very difficult, and that others racing games are just accelerator mashers. Well, I’m an accelerator masher. I’m the kind of guy who wants to be able to hit a corner at top speed, bounce off a wall, then take a jump and crash through a billboard (yep, I’m talking about you, Burn Out Paradise.

Today was the first day you could download Just Cause 2 for free (Games with Gold again) so I did. Now, this is a game I rented for the PS3 from Blockbuster (shows you how old the game is!) and played a good chunk of, and then downloaded again for PC via Steam, and played about the same chunk of. With those play-throughs, the completionist in me was too hung up on liberating all the little towns around the island before getting to the main mission. Well, to heck with that this time around. Then again, I say “this time around” as if I’m going to play again. We’ll see. So far I’ve gotten achievements for First Taste of Chaos, Welcome to Panau, and Casino Blast.

I just don’t have any gaming urges anymore. I went more or less all of May without playing Hearthstone. I dibbled a bit in WoW, dabbled once or twice in Starcraft. Maybe June will be better. Heroes of the Storm goes live tomorrow, so maybe a larger player based (and therefore, less-awesome players) means I’ll finally get into a real multiplayer match. Or maybe not. I might end up just writing all day, silly blog posts about what my favorite kind of sandwich is.


There are plenty of dudes older than me who manage to game. And I work from home, darn it! I should be the hardest of the hard-core! Tomorrow I’ll grab the first offering for June for XBoxOne, a game called Massive Chalice. It’s turn-based, and set in a fantasy realm, so maybe it will compel.

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