Sweeping the Waves (Photo of the Day)

sweeping the waves

My submission for the Daily Post Photo Challenge theme: Motion. Captured this while walking on the beach one soft morning in Carlsbad, California (just outside San Diego). It was fascinating to watch these birds skim along the edge of the breaking surf as they looked for their breakfast. If I’d had my act together, I would have used a longer zoom and swept along with them; as it is I’m still pleased with the way this came out.

Float (Photo of the Day)



I’ve been having a lot of fun with “Writing 101” via The Daily Post and Blogging U. When I discovered they do weekly photography prompts as well, I got very excited! Last Friday’s prompt was “show us what afloat means to you.” I’ve been meaning to get down to the Ballard boat yard for a long time now, and this was the perfect excuse.

I could have stayed there for hours, but I was eager to get back and post something. As I was going through my photos, I realized that this one, with the clouds floating above the boats, really captured the idea of “floating” for me. I don’t know if that’s ironic or not. Taking pictures of clouds has been on my bucket list for a long time, with middling success. But I really like how this one turned out.

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