Welcome to Bukkhead

Hello! My name is Jason, also known as Bukkhead. (I wish, back then, someone had told me that my chosen web-name would follow me around for the rest of my days. I maybe would have chosen something less awkward.)

Ah, but whatayagonnado. I’ve had my website since as far back as 1995, and have “blogged” on and off since then. Mostly just personal stuff. For a long time, entries formed nothing more interesting than a daily diary. “Today I ate fish. I was not very good. Then I read the paper.” Etc. BORING!

Lately, though, I’ve been trying to get into a blogging “community.” I’m never going to be a world-famous blogger with a million anonymous followers. So why not be a locally-respected writer with a few dozen blogging friends? That’s my goal.

I’ve been at it daily for a few months now- did the Writing 101 thing in April, and loved it, and have been trying to keep up the Postaday prompts as well. This is good practice for me— my first love is fiction writing and getting into a daily habit will help me get past those slump moments when my fingers hover over the keyboard but refuse to move.

So that’s blogger me. If you read my stuff, sometimes I’ll just do a rote wrecking-ball treatment of the prompt. Sometimes I’ll write fiction. Sometimes I’ll let Dale respond if I can’t think of anything personal I want to share. (Dale’s a guy I made up. He likes breaking the fourth wall.)

The real life me is early forties, married, could stand to lose a few pounds, loves running, photography, and surf guitar. That’s just a slice, but I don’t want to bog you down with detritus.

Looking forward to reading your posts, fellow 101ers. 🙂

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