I Can Embed Tweets?

Okay I had no idea I could do that.

Embedding Tweets in a blog post! That’s amazing! For an egocentric megalomaniac like me, being able to do this is truly excellent. Now, when I think of something pithy, I can share it on Twitter, (which I have set up to automagically go on Facebook too) AND on Tumblr (for all 14 of my followers– love you guys) AND now on my BLOG!

Seriously, how cool is this. Because me, I like to be heard. All my phobias and foibles center around this. I tried to set it up so that my Tweets just show on my blog page, but this is even better. It’s got that cheesy picture of me (wedding photo–love you, honey) and the follow button and folks can even click the star thing.

Certainly this begs the question: so what, Bukkhead. Who do you think’s going to read this and be amazed? People just like me, that’s who. My fellow megalomaniacs. Can’t you just see us, gathered in a room, sipping tea made with what we each think is our own proprietary blend of herbs and spices, glaring at each other and using sentences with increasingly complex syntax and decreasingly understandable vocabularies?

I like the challenge of saying something interesting in only 140 characters. Twitter is fun. And now, knowing how to embed tweets, I have the best of both worlds: the challenge of getting as much out of those two lines as possible, and the opportunity to expound upon my triumph at great length.

And since most of my tweets are about running, this will get me to write about running more often too. Huzzah!

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