NaBloPoMo Day 25: Nature

Today’s NaBloPoMo Prompt: What is the oldest photo you own?

According to the folder where I finally got around to organizing everything, the oldest photo I own is a picture of my wife’s ex-boyfriend from back in 2000. Not very old. I took all of the photos off all the hard drives and old laptops and put them in one place. That picture of him, a self-portrait he took while holding up some painted ceramic thing he’d made for her, is the one at the top of the list.

This would be a more interesting story of the answer was “A picture from 1933 of my grandmother waiving good by to my grandfather has he goes off to war,” but then I don’t know what war would have been going on at that time if I’ve even got the right ages for war-going fathers of my mom or dad right.

But this just goes back to the idea that as much as I can I don’t like to keep things, and that includes old photos. But I fail miserably, and probably in some box somewhere there’s an old photograph from my youth. So this prompt has prompted me to meditate on the nature of clutter, more than the nature of memories.

Because, as you poor people who read this have read a hundred times before, I don’t take pictures for the sake of memory, but for the sake of making something. And making things leads to clutter, doesn’t it?

Today’s NaBloPoMo Photo Prompt: Nature

Wenatchee sunrise.

A photo posted by Jason Edwards (@bukkhead) on

Took this one just a few days ago.

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