Run, Friends, Run

Postaday for May 17th: It’s My PartyYou’re throwing a party — for you! Tell us all about the food, drink, events, and party favours you’ll have for your event of a lifetime. Use any theme you like — it’s *your* party!

My wife threw me a pretty good party when I turned 40. We rented a space, invited everyone, set up an open bar, and a microphone for people to do stand-up comedy. That worked out pretty well. I love it when people have to listen to me. (Why do you think I keep a blog?)

Earlier in my life she threw me an “orange” party for my birthday. It turns out that a lot of the things I like to snack on are orange: carrot sticks, doritos, candy orange slices, etc. So she got orange M&Ms, oranges, mac n cheese… lots of other stuff. Folks came over to the house, and we played Guitar Hero till our hands were numb.

Hard to trump those things. If I have any faith in my wife, I’m sure she’ll find a way at the next milestone birthday. Me, I’m not so good at planning that kind of thing. For her 35th birthday I tried to rent a space, but wound up renting it for the wrong day. I’m not a clever man.

So it’s hard for me to say how I’d throw a party for me. I like chicken wings, so there should be chicken wings at my party. I also like beer. I also like surf-guitar music. I also like running. So how about a running party? Me and everyone I know would run together from my house on one of my favorite running routes. Let’s make it the 10-miler.

Yeah, I like where this is going. So, we’d all be wearing blue-tooth enabled headsets and we’d all be listening to the same music as we ran. We’d head out and do a mile warm-up, hit the Interurban Trail and take that to 200th street, then cut over to 10th Ave and head back.

The best part would be when we get to 10th and 155th. We’d slow down for 2 blocks, then turn left on 8th. The next half-mile would be a sprint, slightly downhill. Daikaiju’s Zombie Harem blasting in our ears as we took over the street.

And then back home for BBQ wings, beer, more surf guitar, and gathering around each other’s GPS-enabled watches to compare times.

That would be an excellent party. And it would never happen. But I can dream 🙂

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