NaBloPoMo Day 12: Far

Today’s NaBloPoMo Prompt: What is the hardest subject to photograph?

People, if only because I can never seem to get the lighting right. No to mentioned I prefer candid photos, but have an aversion to photographing strangers. I know, I know, as long as I am on public land I have a right to shoot anything I see. Still, I feel like it’s an intrusion. Maybe if I was really good at it I’d get over myself, but until then, I’m going to eschew photographing people I don’t know.

I say I prefer candids because, as I’ve said in other posts, I don’t take pictures for the sake of keeping memories, but as a means by which to create materials for making art. Posed shots always seem to me to be so stale— unless people go and do something wacky. Again, maybe it’s me— maybe if I was better at it, posed people shots wouldn’t seem to plain
I only recently started using Lightroom and with landscapes and nature photos, it’s done wonders to make my photos look a lot better. Come to think of it, I haven’t even tried putting my people photos in Lightroom yet. Maybe I should give that a try, see what happens.

Of course, all my NaBloPoMo photos are from instagram, so none of the above applies below 😉

Today’s NaBloPoMo Photo Prompt: Far

A photo posted by Jason Edwards (@bukkhead) on

It’s a two hour drive away, but on a nice day Mt. Ranier seems closer.

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