NaBloPoMo Day 8: Focus

Today’s NaBloPoMo Prompt: Do you think you smile more honestly when you’re taking a selfie or when someone else is photographing you?

For years my mom, who is herself a real shutterbug, would holler at me whenever there was a group photo. I was always making faces. Nowadays, it’s my wife who yells at me. I guess they’re the only two people who simultaneously care and feel like they can speak their minds.

Not that I smile in selfies all the much. So the real answer is: my smile is captured in its most genuine state in candid photos. And oh boy. Nothing reinforces my disdain for being photoed than seeing my goofy doofus smile.

Here’s what’s sad. Most of them time if I know I’m being photographed, I make a face. Finally I decided to stop taking myself so seriously, and one time I didn’t make a face— and my wife still hollered at me. I was trying to be normal, and she still that I looked silly. Sigh.

Today’s NaBloPoMo Photo Prompt: Focus

A photo posted by Jason Edwards (@bukkhead) on

I got into photography for a variety reasons, and one of them is a fascination with depth of field. This picture is one of my favorites— I took it with my DSLR,then saved it as JPG and manipulated it a bit further in Pxlr and Instagram. Depth of field let’s me focus on one key element, and the rest is balance.

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