
We did some home unimprovement tonight. One problem with our house is that’s a bit dark in places, and the living room doesn’t have any light fixtures at all, so we’ve been making do with lamps. But it’s just not enough. And we barely ever use the ceiling fan, anyway.

It was a bit of a chore. Getting the ceiling fan down was easier than we let it be. I ended up taking about more of the motor assemply than needed, but I would have had to have done so eventually anyway, to store the darn thing, so there’s that. Unwiring the fan was easy, and wiring the new light was even easier. And we did it all in the dark, since the circuit breaker was off. Used the headlamp that I got when I ran the Las Vegas Half Marathon (the one that’s run at night).

The truly hard part, the 45 minute part of the hour-long job, was getting the new fixture mounted. We were the victim of some shenanigans, as whomever it was the installed the ceiling fan in the first place did so at the expense of the light box in the ceiling, which I had to twist back into shape. That made my mounting screws crooked, but with a little perseverance, we managed.

Why tell you all this? Because it’s Friday, it’s a little after 9 PM, I don’t want to spend the rest of the night surfing Reddit, so I’m giving myself a pat on the back via blog bragging. What’s that? You’re out drinking and partying like people are supposed to on Friday nights? Heh. Youth.

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