Guest Post: Dan Edwards on “Why Basketball is Not a Sport”

What’s a sport? How is it different from just a game? I took the following from a discussion my dad was having on this difficult topic. His name is Dan Edwards.

I would argue that basketball is not a sport.

When I played I was 5’7″ and the basket was at 10 feet. Trying to get the ball into the hoop was definitely a sport.

In today’s professional basketball, the average height is about 8’7– they have arms that are longer than I was tall. How tough is it to look down into the basket and drop the ball through?

For these monsters shooting a basket is about as tough as dealing cards.

We were allowed only one step on a layup. The pros are allowed to do the Merengue on the way to the basket and then do the Teaberry Shuffle as well. It’s not a layup, it’s sprint.

And what they call a foul is ridiculous. In my day, if it did not require stitches or a splint, the ref let it go.

The phrase “No Blood No Foul” was a chanted by our mothers.

Now, if a player is looked at crossly on his way to the basket, the ref blows the pea out of his whistle in horrified disgust.

These people make two billion dollars a year, not including shoe endorsements. Let them get a few bruises.

And speaking of money. I you get paid, it’s not a sport. It’s a job.

Otherwise why isn’t writing software a sport? It takes skill, and training, and if you’re really good you can drop out of college before you get your degree and make tons of cash.

Don’t get me started on football.

2 Replies to “Guest Post: Dan Edwards on “Why Basketball is Not a Sport””

  1. Well basketball is as much a sport as tennis, football, hockey etc. Isn’t it? Basically you are saying there is no such thing as a sport, they are all games? I feel perhaps your memories of basketball games as a child are clouding your judgement about the sport as seen on tv.. It is definitely not as easy as ‘dealing cards’ However, you have a point about getting paid so much.. I think the guys that clean the streets should be getting paid more than sports stars, I know i could live without famous basketball players but not having the trash collected would make things most unpleasant.

  2. Well basketball is as much a sport as tennis, football, hockey etc. Isn’t it? Basically you are saying there is no such thing as a sport, they are all games? I feel perhaps your memories of basketball games as a child are clouding your judgement about the sport as seen on tv.. It is definitely not as easy as ‘dealing cards’ However, you have a point about getting paid so much.. I think the guys that clean the streets should be getting paid more than sports stars, I know i could live without famous basketball players but not having the trash collected would make things most unpleasant.

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