NaBloPoMo Day 5: Your Style

Today’s NaBloPoMo Prompt: What is your favourite angle for being photographed? Head-on? Slightly above, below, to the side?

I don’t like being photographed. Hate the way I look when I smile. See photos of myself and think, good God, is that what I look like? How come no one told me? How are people not falling down in hysterical, terrified laughter every time they see me?

Very arrogant.

I’m sure, 90% of the time, no one notices me at all. That’s not self-deprecation, that’s just logic. Heck, it’s probably more like 99%. And that other 1%, I can’t possibly know what standards are in any other mind. It’s silly to assume I can understand an entire lifetime of context that a person brings to whatever they view.

That said, I still don’t like being photographed. So I have no real answer for what my favorite angle is, although: I do like a good selfie. And for those, in the mirror, I’m usually going head on.

My wife tells me that people should always be photographed from slightly above, to hide multiple chins. Ariana Grand, I’m told, always demands being photographed from only the left. Old west cowboys (the actors who portrayed them, at least) were always photographed from below to show how huge and manly they were.

So you can see my dilemma. I don’t think I’m photogenic, I want to hide my chins, maintain my pop starlet style, and show off my machismo. Talk about existential angst, sheesh!

Today’s NaBloPoMo Photo Prompt: Your Style

Took a WFH day. Getting chores done too. Shame is for sissies.

A photo posted by Jason Edwards (@bukkhead) on

My style is: throw on clothes. Tend towards gray. I like looking stylish, don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those people who doesn’t care. But once I’ve tried, and failed— then I don’t care.

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