NaBloPoMo Day 18: Contrast

Today’s NaBloPoMo Prompt: Do you always ask permission of the subject before you post pictures online? Why or why not?

Yes, although to be fair, since I never take photos of people, it’s not an issue. Very rarely I’ll have a photo of my wife that I think should be posted someplace, and I’ll ask her, but other than that, it’s not something that occurs.

And let’s be clear: my wife is gorgeous and should be photographed often. But the context in which I usually post things isn’t one that involves pictures of people.

That said, if I happen to be doing something social and have a camera with me and there are photos with people in them, I WILL share those photos with folks, but only privately. I try to be sensitive to social media. I try to think what it would be like if someone took a photo of me, and then posted it someplace and some ex of mine decided to use it in a voodoo ritual. Now, personally, I wouldn’t mind, because all of my exes are nice people and would only be doing voodoo in the pursuit, I’m sure, of something noble. But I can’t know that about everyone, so I only send them things in such a way that only they can see them.

Examples include a recent wedding I was at (made a CD for the bride afterwords) and a trip to the state fair (sent the friends we were with a nice e-mail).

Today’s NaBloPoMo Photo Prompt: Contrast


A photo posted by Jason Edwards (@bukkhead) on

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